Sunday, 13 November 2011

you can't wear skinny jeans when the zombie apocalypse comes. no way you can outmaneuver wearing that shit.
Running away to cali, then a zombie apocalypse breaks out.
lol only PRETTTY people can pull off big eyes , not dark fat bitches ,, thatisall lol .

Saturday, 12 November 2011

only fat people complain! Sod 'em! x
that awkward moment when there is only one condom box left during a zombie apocalypse. Y SO HORNY
SomeFactAboutMe I love girls with curly hair !!
IveAlwaysWanted to be fat for a day, so I could do the obnoxious things only fat people can do
So true. Is needed so when we all have to pick 5 politicians to save us in a zombie apocalypse, I get further th..

Friday, 11 November 2011

Carl is a very heavy name for a young boy in zombie apocalypse. walkingdead
Really? Its a zombie apocalypse and you can't be generous? walkingdead
i went through a fat phase & the only people that would flirt with me was guys on myspace. YEP.
It's about a fat girl who got bullied everywhere cause she's fat, & people only use her. She got into purging be..
That awkward moment when you ask people if you're fat and only the fat girl says yes. areyoubeingforreal
Idk curly hair is the best, I feel bad for the white girls with "wavy" hair lol
But really, in a zombie apocalypse, I'd be sexing everyone. becausewhynot
//////) and fat ginger gimps, fuck off.
FAIL - Car Crashes into Shop